Writer at heart & designer by trade

Writer at heart & designer by trade

I'm a creative technologist who designs products for AI users, crafts delightful multimodal experiences and writes about human-computer interactions to explore how we communicate with technology.

I currently design conversations and interactions for Bixby, Samsung’s voice assistant.

After growing up on the East Coast, I now live in the spiciest melting pot in the country - Southern California. Along the way, I've discovered a love of communication, psychology and emerging technology.

When I'm not playing with LLMs or writing about their powers, you can find me making music, learning a language, exploring a gallery or playing with my dog.

I'm a creative technologist who designs products for AI users, crafts delightful multimodal experiences and writes about human-computer interactions to explore how we communicate with technology.

I currently design conversations and interactions for Bixby, Samsung’s voice assistant.

After growing up on the East Coast, I now live in the spiciest melting pot in the country - Southern California. Along the way, I've discovered a love of communication, psychology and emerging technology.

When I'm not playing with LLMs or writing about their powers, you can find me making music, learning a language, exploring a gallery or playing with my dog.

What's a conversation designer?

I tell machines what to say to humans… and sometimes the other way around (wanna trade prompts?). There are many misconceptions around AI interfaces and I'm here to make them as usable and delightful as possible.

I tell machines what to say to humans… and sometimes the other way around (wanna trade prompts?). There are many misconceptions around AI interfaces and I'm here to make them as usable and delightful as possible.

I tell machines what to say to humans… and sometimes the other way around (wanna trade prompts?). There are many misconceptions around AI interfaces and I'm here to make them as usable and delightful as possible.





Interaction & multimodal design

Interaction & multimodal design

Interaction & multimodal design




UX design and research

UX design and research

UX design and research




AI product strategy

AI product strategy

AI product strategy




Prompt engineering

Prompt engineering

Prompt engineering










Technical & creative writing

Technical & creative writing

Technical & creative writing

Design Philosophy

Technology, especially AI, is a dance between human and machine

Language is everything

We live in a time where the fundamentals of conversation, our oldest interface, are being applied to new technology and disrupting countless industries. Let's work together to understand a common language.

Write it down

Attention comes at a cost, that's why we call it "paying attention." Artifacts preserve history and create communities, so it is best to express ideas somewhere outside your brain.

If you don't know, keep looking

The never-ending quest to problem solve is what drew me to design. Curiousity may have killed the cat, but at least it went on some pretty cool adventures.

How I design conversations

Let's Collaborate

©2024. All rights reserved.

Los Angeles, California, USA

Let's Collaborate

©2024. All rights reserved.

Los Angeles, California, USA

Let's Collaborate

©2024. All rights reserved.

Los Angeles, California, USA